October – December 2014 Quarterly Report

October - December 2014 Quarterly ReportAgainst a background of high levels of existing poverty, the cost of living continues to increase as incomes, social services and opportunities have stagnated and even declined globally and in South Africa, creating a harsh situation where the majority of families cannot afford to lead decent lives, and food protests increase internationally.

It is in this context that the Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute (SPII) decided to launch its Basic Needs Basket research programme. The Basic Needs Basket is a monthly survey of the cost of essential food and non- food items that comprise the minimum basket of goods needed for an averaged sized family to survive with a decent and healthy standard of living. It is important to note that the BNB only monitors prices of the most common pack size or quantity purchased and not the actual quantities required for an average sized household.

Download full PDF Document – BNB quarterly report Oct-Dec 2014 final