SPII Talk Volume 21- 3rd Quarter August 2015

Following from SPII's policy review, budget analysis and development of indicators for the rights to health care, social security, housing and food, SPII is currently in the process of completing a report which monitors and evaluates the realisation of the Right to Basic Education in South Africa 21 years into democracy. This research
follows the 3-step socio-economic rights monitoring methodology that SPII published in its paper 'A framework for monitoring and evaluating the progressive realisation of socio-economic rights' in South Africa. Like SPII's other working papers on health care, social security, housing and food, the monitoring tool will unpack the content of the right to basic education and the obligations placed on the state to respect, protect, promote and fulfil that right. The research report will then review and assess the state's constitutional, legislative and policy development and
implementation efforts (step 1), and the allocation and expenditure of national and provincial resources towards the realisation of the right (step 2). Finally, we will develop and use statistical indicators (step 3) to monitor and evaluate the state's efforts in providing for the realisation of the right. The indicators will assess the state's progress in ensuring physical and economic access to the right to basic education, the adequacy of the education services which the state has made available and the impact that the state's education system has had on learners' quality of life.